Yoga, Meditation and Reiki

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”

Viktor Frankl

As we navigate our relationships with ourselves, others, and the world around us, we experience stress as a natural part of life. Our actions are directly influenced by our thoughts, routines and habits, and unresolved trauma. With mental and emotional health issues on the rise, actively exploring self-management and inner balance can lead to greater resilience to stress. Yoga, Meditation and Reiki can help us dive below the surface of our conditioned responses, allowing us to not only endure difficult times but also thrive during and after them.

As a Reiki Master and certified Yoga and Meditation instructor, I draw on a multitude of practices gathered during my travels to and learnings in India, Peru and Chile; I invite you to explore these practices with me, to restore nervous system flow and enhance your resilience. Through our customized sessions, you will learn asanas, intention setting, breathing practices for balancing and regulating your nervous system, orienting and centering, vagus nerve stimulation, mindfulness in motion and stillness, and restorative rest. Based on your personal needs, Reiki sessions can provide an additional layer of support and access to the vast intelligence of the body through the experience of energy guided by intention.

More and more people engage in discussions about the benefits of these practices, and there is no “one-size-fits-all” application. For each individual, different forms and traditions can be suitable for practice at various times. Discover practices that best support you.

“When I started private yoga and meditation sessions with Bianca, I had trouble sleeping, and experienced anxiety and stress. I work the suicide line, and was feeling really overwhelmed. Bianca was calming and gentle, and gave me space to process my stress. She showed me effective yoga practices, some breathing techniques for my energetic body type, and taught me how to meditate without putting pressure on myself. I was also curious about Reiki, and after a couple of sessions, I started sleeping better. I am still regularly using the tools she gave me, and feel calmer and more confident. My mental health has definitely improved. Bianca is insightful and gentle, and truly cares about the people she works with.”

David, Canada